In additon to our extensive range of in-house petrographical and fluid inclusion analysis services, we also make extensive use of a range of other analytical approaches, including:
- X-ray Diffraction – both whole rock and clay fraction analyses. We make extensive use of X-ray diffraction data, particualrly when interpreting details of clay mineralogy.
- QEMSCAN / Automated Mineralogy – we particularly use this technology to acquire mineralogical data from cuttings samples, where bulk analyses only provide average / mixed data for the range of lithologies that might be included in an individual sample. QEMSCAN, cooupled with other more traditional petography anlyses, and selective scanning electron microscope-based pore image analysis , provides a powerful tool for extracting reservoir quality information from cuttings samples.
- Stable Isotope Analyses – predominantly utilised by us, in adding detail to diagenetic studies. This is often carried out in conjunction with fluid inclusion analyses (to provide temperature constraints) and/ or cathodoluminesence imaging (to guide analyses).