
Fluid Inclusion Analysis – Principles and Practice

This 3 day course is primarily intended for students embarking upon fluid inclusion studies as part of their PhD projects. It focuses on the theories that underpin fluid inclusion microthermometric studies in general, and upon practical approaches towards collecting microthermometric data that are relevant to diagenetic studies. In more detail, the course encompasses:

Theoretical underpinning (Day 1)

  • fluid inclusion definitions, assumptions, applications and limitations.
  • inclusion trapping.
  • phase relations in geologically relevant systems.

WaferChipsPractical approaches (Day 2)

  • defining study aims.
  • practical approaches to sample. screening and selection.
  • instrumentation.
  • fluid inclusion petrography.
  • practical approaches for collection of microthermometric data.
  • interpretation and presentation of results.

Supported practice (Day 3)
– hands-on supported practice in collection of microthermometric data


We can host the course at our offices in Cornwall.  Alternatively, if you have access to appropriate microscopy and fluid inclusion microthermometric equipment, then we can come and deliver the course to you.  Appropriate sample material for the practical aspects of the course is provided by us, but if you have your own samples, we can incorporate these into the course as well.

inclusionThe course is intended to be run for small groups – around 3 participants is the ideal number, but larger numbers can be accommodated by arrangement. For more details, or to discuss your specific requirements, please contact us at

Sandstone petrography and reservoir quality specialists