We make extensive use of optical microscopy for both collection of petrography data (textural and modal analysis) and also for more descriptive work.
We are well equipped with research grade, Zeiss optical microscopes capable of :
Transmitted plane and cross polarised light
Reflected illumination (for investigation of reflective minerals)
Epifluorescence microscopy
All the microscopes are equiped with digital cameras (with live view imaging on attached PC’s), and we have stepping stages (but driven using our own, in-house, software) that we use for modal analysis and acquisition of images for preparation of digital thin-sections and deep zoom images.
We use epifluorescence predominantly to investigate the character and distribution of hydrocarbons trapped within fluid inclusions. Our system is equipped with a Zeiss HBO UV illuminator and “Epiplan Neofluar” objectives covering a wide range of magnifications (x1.25 up to x100). Using the digital camera attached to this microscope we are able to capture images of specific inclusions under the very low light levels that are commonly encountered during epifluorescence imaging.
The colour of the fluorescence is a reflection of the composition of the hydrocarbon, and can be used in a qualitative sense to approximate oil API gravity. Where samples have seen multiple generations of hydrocarbon of differing compositons / maturities, epifluorescence can be used to differentiate between different generations of fluids. This, combined with microthermometric analysis of the fluid inclusions, can be used to reconstruct filling / fluid histories.
Sandstone petrography and reservoir quality specialists