Tag Archives: Paragenesis

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Petrography

tile04 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) can be carried out as a stand-alone service, or in support of other petrographical analyses / descriptions.  We can analyse a range of sample types including small rock chips (“stub” samples) and polished thin-sections, as well as other materials.

Our main uses for SEM imaging and analysis are:

  • Detailed characterisation of clay mineralogy and other microcrystalline components (and their associated microporosity)
  • Elucidation of paragenetic relationships
  • Investigation of zoning and chemical variability within cements.
  • Systematic / automated collection of images for pore image analysis
  • Preparation of petrographical montages for deep zoom imaging

Because we have Scanning Electron Microscope capabilities in-house, we can offer a rapid turnaround / hotshot analysis of samples.  (Many geological materials can be analysed with a minimum of preparation – the samples only need to be dry and, in the case of samples containing liquid hydrocarbons, light cleaning is also required ).

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